What do in Panama City, Panama with kids - 3 Day Family Itinerary

panama is amazing and there are so many gorgeous places just outside panama city

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If you’re looking for a perfect three day itinerary for Panama City, Panama, you’re in the right place. I’ve put together an adventure-packed family trip to Panama that blends history, culture, and nature. Start with an awe-inspiring visit to the Panama Canal, spend a day with the Embera people, and spend a day exploring the Gamboa Rainforest Reserve by boat, where you’ll be wildlife spotting!

taking a hand carved canoe out to the embera villages

Panama is a small but mighty country in Central America, with a population of just over 4 million people and covers about 29,000 square miles. While Spanish is the official language, there are 7 other indigenous languages found throughout the country. Panama is a fascinating blend of cultures. It is home to a rich indigenous heritage and is influenced by its Afro-Caribbean, Spanish, and American history.

So, let’s get into how to spend 3 days in Panama on your next family holiday.

Table of Contents

Acadia Naitional Park has their sign at the Hulls Cove Visitor Center

Map of What to do in Panama City

We spent a couple of hours swimming along the river in

Day 0: Arrival and Check In

We landed in Panama in the early evening. Customs took longer than we expected, but the Tocumen Airport is small, so once we were through it was smooth sailing. We hailed a cab from the official cab stand outside. Since we are a family of 5 traveling with a car seat, we needed a van. The driver was great and got us to the doorstep of our Airbnb in Casco Viejo. We got his whatsapp number and used the same guy for our ride back to the airport on our last day too!

Tocumen Airport to Casco Viejo is about 45-50 minutes driving, so keep that in mind when planning your travel.

Since we got in late, we used our evening to get our stuff settled and ordered take-away from a nearby pizza place. We were meeting a guided at 8AM, so we wanted to be well rested before our first full day in Panama.

OUr airbnb had this plunge pool and cool views of the ruins!

We loved stay in in Casco Viejo and I recommend staying here on your trip to Panama City. It is a safe place to stay in Panama and is a great place to explore in your down time. Use the map below to find the best place to stay in Panama with kids depending on family size and budget.

Panama Road Trips

Before we get into what we did with 3 days in Panama, I want to share that I did a ton of research before we went. I knew I wanted to have a guide for most of what we were doing and I found the company Panama Road Trips.

Our entire 3 days in Panama was spent with the same guide each day. He had a really nice SUV that could fit all 5 of us easily. He spoke both English and Spanish and was really great at modifying our day based on how the kids were doing.

the baby sometimes fell asleep or we needed to change our plans to get him out of the sun - our guide was extremely understanding and able to go with the flow

If you’re going to Panama and you’d like to do this itinerary with a Guide - check out Panama Road Trips and tell them Tavia from Big Brave Nomad sent you. (This is NOT affiliated or sponsored - I paid full price for our tour, but I loved it)

If you’d prefer to do this trip on your own, it’s totally doable.

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Day 1: Panama Canal & Tour of Panama City + Casco Viejo

Today you will explore and get familiar with Panama City. Your tour guide will provide information about the main attractions of Panama City as Casco Viejo (the historic colonial neighborhood), the Amador Causeway, the banking district, Miraflores Locks Visitor Center at the Panama Canal, the historic Canal Zone, Central Avenue, the Bridge of the Americas, and Cinta Costera coastal walkway.

Stop 1: Visit Miraflores Locks

We met our guide, Miguel, right outside of our Airbnb in Casco Viejo. He was not only on time, but a few minutes early. He helped us load up our car seat and bag for the day and then we hit the road toward the Miraflores Locks.

the car we used all three days in panama. Since we had the same guide, he let us leave our carseat in the car. It was such a comfortable ride.

Miguel chatted with us on the drive and shared so much history and knowledge about everything from Panamanian culture to the indigenous animals of Panama. He knew the lock schedule and that there would be a few boats moving through, so once we arrived at the locks, we beelined for the observation tower.

seeing the panama canal in person was s cool

Once we got our front row spot, we were able to see several boats moving through two locks of the the Panama Canal. It was so incredible.

After, we headed inside to watch the 3D IMAX movie. If you visit Miraflores Locks, do not miss the 45 minute IMAX movie. It is extremely well done and narrated by Morgan Freeman.

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The raised boardwalk along jordan pond trail

Stop 2: Explore Panama City and Casco Viejo

After checking off a lifetime bucket list experience, it’s time to get in the car for a tour around Panama City and a walking tour around Casco Viejo. Personally, we love a good walking tour to get familiar with the city or town we are in.

You'll drive over the bridge of americas and stop to see the monument and get photos of the bridge at the opening of the panama canal

The first part of this tour is mainly by car. You’ll get to drive over the Bridge of Americas and get out to see the monument. Then you’ll head down the Amador Causeway to check out the historic Canal Zone. It was incredible to see the impact that the construction of the Panama Canal had on the geography of the city.

We made a stop to see the historic train at the Panama Convention Center, had a photo op at the Panama sign, and also took a short tour of BioMuseo. If you have time, I would suggest coming back for the full experience of this awesome museum.

BioMuseo is an incredible museum

Our guide offered to take us into Downtown Panama to explore Central Avenue and the Bank district, but we asked to cut that and spend more time exploring Casco Viejo.

Had to get a photo with the panama sign at the tip of the causeway

Stop 3: Walking Tour of Casco Viejo

Since we were staying in Casco Viejo, we really wanted to explore as much as we could with a guide to get our bearings and local tips for best food and shops.

casco viejo and the Golden Altar at Church of St Joseph

The tour was excellent. Some of the highlights included seeing the famous Golden Altar at Church of St Joseph, walking around Independence Square, shopping the artisan market, and saw the ruins of the Church Of The Society Of Jesus. On this tour we learned that our Airbnb overlooked El Archo Chato!

the artesian market is a great place to purchase local crafts as souveniers.

We realized quickly that the old town streets are constructed in a simple grid pattern, making navigating rather easy. Casco Viejo is relatively small too, so you can walk the entire downtown in a short period. The more we walked, the more I kept thinking how similar Casco Viejo is to the walled city in Cartagena.

the history in casco viejo is amazing

Whether you stay in Casco Viejo or not, you absolutely must get a Raspado from Don Julio. Raspados are shaved ice and as you can see from the photo below, Don shaves the ice by hand for your made to order treat. Panama is HOT, so cool off like a local!

we all enjoyed a raspado from don julio!

By the time we said goodbye to our guide, we were starving. He suggested we check out Las Clementinas Cafe which is a family friendly restaurant with excellent food and an outdoor patio. The staff was extremely attentive, but it was the delicious food and drink that stole our hearts. Las Clementinas Cafe is one of the best places to eat in Casco Viejo for sure.

Check out more photos, videos, and info on our visit to Panama here

the food and drinks at las clementinas were incredible

Day 2 In Panama City, Panama

Day two in Panama City will start by meeting your guide again right outside of your accommodation. Today you will get to observe the unique ecosystems and wildlife that live in and near Panama City.

Stop 1: Take a Boat out on Gatun Lake for Wildlife Spotting

After a short drive, you’ll meet your boat captain at the marina and head out into the Gatun Rainforest Reserve. If you have them, bring your binoculars because you’ll be spotting crocodiles, sloths, monkeys, exotic birds, and maybe even a capybara!

the kids spotting birds and the crocodile we saw!

Our kids were beside themselves with all of the wildlife we spotted. We saw three species of monkey, several species of iguana, crocodiles, so many species of birds including toucans, little bats, and even sloths!

three species of monkeys in the gamboa rainforest reserve

Something really unique about Gatun Lake is that it is the connection between the East and West sides of the Panama Canal. Have you ever wondered how huge cargo ships made it from one side to the other? It is not all locks. The boats actually go into Gatun Lake in the middle of the country and in the middle of a rainforest to get to the other side. So, while we were on our tiny little boat there were massive cargo ships gliding by! An incredible and unique experience.

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this massive cargo ship passed our tiny boat on gatun lake - in the middle of a rainforest

Stop 2: Hike Pipeline Road in Soberania National Park

After the Gatun Lake boat tour, you'll make the short drive over to the small town of Gamboa where you’ll enter Soberania National Park. Inside the park is the famous Pipeline Road that many locals and tourists hike. It’s a fantastic place to see the lowland rainforest animals of Panama.

CHECK OUT MY GUIDE FOR: The Best Hiking Gear for Kids

the national park sign and the kids trying to spot monkeys

U.S. Soldiers constructed a pipeline across the historic Canal Zone of Panama during World War II. This pipeline was built to ensure oil could be moved across the Isthmus if the Panama Canal was shut down for any reason. The pipeline road was constructed alongside the pipeline to allow for easy access for maintenance.

the pipeline road is an easy hike and has so many opportunities to see wildlife

Today, you’ll get to walk along this old road. You’ll be walking through one of Panama’s rainforests, so keep an eye out for leaf cutter ants, sloths, toucans, monkeys, and so much more!

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a cute little sloth we spotted! (Our guide spotted him and this is looking at him through the spotting scope)

Stop 3: Free Afternoon in Casco Viejo

there is a starbucks tucked into the old city of casco viejo! We made sure to grab a panama cup!

After a really fun day in the Panamanian Rainforest, it’s time to slow it down and relax inside the historic old city of Casco Viejo. Since our airbnb was here, we cooled off for a bit and then headed out for lunch.

Our guide recommended we go to Snack Shack for lunch. It did not disappoint. The staff was very friendly, the atmosphere is fun, and the food is absolutely delish.

Check out more photos, videos, and info on our visit to Panama here

snack shack had some incredible food and drinks! add it to your list for your next trip to panama!

After eating we walked around town popping in and out of shops. We found the Starbucks to get our Panama cup, popped into El Palacio Del Sombrero to get my official (and real) Panama hat, and went to Rey. Rey is honestly the best grocery store to stock up at. It is two floors and we found everything we could need there from snacks and deli meat to baby formula!

After we got back to the airbnb, the kids wanted to cool off in the plunge pool. So we put the baby down for late nap and the big kids played on the rooftop pool for the rest of the afternoon. It was so nice having a place to cool off in the heat and the little pool overlooked the amazing El Archo Chato!

the plunge pool at our airbnb was awesome

We had a really quiet evening just lounging and watched a movie.

If you want to do more this afternoon than shop and eat, consider renting bikes from Bicicletas Moses and riding along the Amador Causeway. It is a beautiful path with many benches to stop and look at the ocean and the incredible Panama City skyline!

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Consider renting bikes from Bicicletas Moses and riding along the Amador Causeway

Day Three in Panama City with Kids

I hope you slept well because today we are headed back into the Rainforest. However, we won’t be using our time to spot wildlife. Instead, you’re going to be spending the day with one of the Embera Communities in Chagres National Park! This was our FAVORITE day of our trip.

spending a day in the embera village was a highlight of our time in panama

Quick History about the Embera People

The Emberá people are indigenous to the Darién region of Panama and the Choco region of Colombia, where they have lived for centuries before European contact. The Embera people primarily inhabit the riverbanks as a semi-nomadic society. Their history is marked by resistance to Spanish colonization, struggles against land loss in the post-colonial period, and ongoing challenges to preserve their culture amidst deforestation and other modern threats.

Today, Embera Communities are recognized as a distinct indigenous group with their own semi-autonomous territory. There are 4 communities located along the Chagres River. We visited the 4th (farthest) down the river.

the embera men played music for us while the women showcased their dances

Spend the Day with the Embera Community

The day will start with a drive into Chagres National Park where you will meet your Embera guide for the day. Together, you’ll load up into a hand dugout canoe and start the journey up river.

in our canoe headed to the village

Along the way, you will see the other Embera communities and other canoes on the river. The guides will stop and allow everyone to swim at some point. The water was crystal clear and gorgous. We swam for probably an hour.

the river water was crystal clear and the water was so cool

After cooling off in the river, you’ll head to the community. We were greeted at the shoreline by all the children swimming in the river and several community members. We were escorted up to change clothes and had a tour of the village.

one of the hand carved canoes in the works and the baby in the clear river water

We were invited into the kitchen to watch the women prepare lunch. They salted freshly caught fish and smashed plantains they harvested. The kitchen was on wooden stilts, but still had a fire inside.

the kitchen in the embera village is used by the entire community

Lunch was incredible. Honestly, the best fish and patacones I have ever had. It was served piping hot. We enjoyed washing our hands in the giant bowl that had water and lemongrass. The kids were in love with the banana leaf pockets they made to hold the food.

After lunch a few other arrived in the village and the Embera people put on a fantastic show. It was our daughter’s 9th birthday and they performed a special dance for her. We all got up at one point and joined the dancing and singing.

After the show, I opted to get a natural ink tattoo. The tattoo lasted for about 10 days. Funny enough, I held the baby in the canoe ride home and the ink tranferred to his belly, so he also had a tattoo for a while.

getting the natural ink tattoo and women making beaded items to sell

It was hard to say goodbye. I wish so badly we could have stayed the night to fully immerse in this slower, simpler way of life. Everything they have, everything they eat, everything they make is from the earth. It was so interesting to see how they utilized nature in so many ways!

we shared babies, the kids played with each other, and we got a solid tour of the village - the kitchen, the classrooms, etc

If you only have 24 hours in Panama or a long layover in Panama City, I highly recommend spending a day out with the Embera people. It was by far our favorite day in Panama.

READ NEXT: How to Get FREE flights for Your Next Adventure (Or cheap flights!)

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the chagres river was a beautifl spot to connect with nature

everyone dancing with each other

After a long day on the River, we headed back home. It was our daughter’s 9th birthday, so our guide took us by a grocery store to pick up a birthday cake. She asked to go out to dinner to celebrate, so we walked to a nearby restaurant and had our last meal in Panama. We chose to eat at Bistro Central. Again, they had amazing food, incredible service, and great drinks.

She had cake for breakfast, lunch, and dinner!

the drive to the airport was easy and watching the sunrise was so pretty

Our flight out was at 9:30 in the morning, so the driver came to get us at 6. We had an easy ride through Panama City and an easy check in. We had enough time to get everyone some breakfast before our direct flight back home to Barbados.

some last looks at panama from inside the airport

This three day guide to Panama City, Panama will maximize your family holiday. Everyone in your group will find something they love - whether it's the wonder of the Panama Canal, the vibrant Casco Viejo, or the thrill of encountering wildlife along the Chagres River or by boat in Gamboa Rainforest Reserve. Panama City is the perfect mix of history, culture, and fun, making it a fantastic destination for families seeking both education and entertainment. This three days is only a taste of what Panama offers, but you’re sure to have the best time on this unique family holiday. Until next time, ¡hasta luego, Panamá!

Check out more photos, videos, and info on our visit to Panama here




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